EDC Building | Demand-Response | Peak Tracker

IESO Peak Tracker
  • Peak-demand events
  • Peak time
  • Peak load
  • Peak time
  • Peak load

Peak Tracker

The Peak Tracker visualization presents the actual and forecasted electricity demand for Ontario customers participating in the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI). It also highlights the range of a likely top-five peak-demand event. If the highest forecasted demand of the day falls within this range, a global temperature adjustment (GTA) will be automatically applied to reduce the building's electricity demand; this is to mitigate/eliminate global adjustment fees, while promoting energy security and reduced carbon emmissions.

Peak-demand events happen everyday; it is the hour at which peak demand (i.e., highest demand of the day) is experienced. However, only the top-five highest peak-demands in the billing period (May 1 - April 30) are subject to global adjustment (GA) fees. Therefore, to reduce/eliminate GA fees, and promote energy security and reduced carbon emmissions, the top-five highest peak-demand events must be forecasted.
The top-five peak-demand events are unknown until the end of the billing period. As a conservative estimate, a top-five peak-demand event is likely to occur if the highest forecasted demand of the day is within the range of a likely top-five peak-demand event; this is highlighted in the visualization. The lower limit of this range comprises the tenth-highest peak-demand from the past or current billing period (whichever is greater), and the upper limit comprises the highest peak-demand from the past or current billing period (whichever is greater).
If a likely top-five peak-demand event is projected to occur, a demand-response intervention is automatically applied to the building to reduce/eliminate energy loads during the event.
Example Delta Air Temperature chart with faulty cooling coil valve.
Top-five peak-demand event is NOT likely ✅

Observed: The highest forecasted demand of the day (i.e., peak-demand) is below the range for a likely top-five peak-demand event.

Outcome: The peak-demand event for this day is not likely to be subject to global adjustment fees.

Example Delta Air Temperature chart with no faults.
Top-five peak-demand event IS likely! ⚠

Observed: The highest forecasted demand of the day (i.e., peak-demand) is within the range for a likely top-five peak-demand event.

Outcome: The peak-demand event for this day is likely to be subject to global adjustment fees.